HT-Leather Guantlet
Leather Guantlet Brace
Recommended for:
- Stabilizing the ankle, talocalcaneal, midtarsal and subtalar joints
- Soft, comfortable molded leather inner shell lining
- Padded with 1/8" medical-grade foam
- Metatarsal-length foot plate
- Polypropylene-reinforced foot and ankle
- Custom anatomical reliefs
- For patients with PTTD (Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction)
- For patients with Tibialis tendonitis (posterior or anterior)
- For patients with severe pronation or pes planus.
- For patients with charcot foot.
- For patients with Talocalcaneal varus or valgus
- For patients with ankle arthritis or Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD).
- For patients with ankle, subtalar or midtarsal trauma.
- For patients with chronic Achilles tendonitis.